Further Reading: Genesis

Since the last version of this list the work on Genesis by Waltke has been published.  This is outstanding!

Also, the following books may be recommended for preachers. I would think the four most useful works are the commentaries by Wenham, Hamilton, Leupold and Kidner. Gordon Wenham’s two volumes (Genesis 1–15Genesis 16–50, Word Biblical Commentary, Word, 1987 and 1994) are heavy and learned but contain much good material to wrestle with if you are able to handle heavy scholarship. H. C. Leupold’s Exposition of Genesis (2 vol.; Baker, 1963) is good but rather too literalistic in the early chapters, in my opinion. The best short volume is D. Kidner, Genesis (Tyndale, 1967). V. P. Hamilton’s The Book of Genesis in two volumes (Eerdmans) is excellent. Allen P. Ross, Creation and Blessing (Baker, 1988) is an excellent exposition of Genesis.

The third edition and the fourth edition of the New Bible Commentary (Inter-Varsity, 1970 and 1994) are simpler and both have good commentaries on Genesis. One is by Meredith Kline, the other is a shorter version of Wenham’s two volumes, compressed to 38 pages. Matthew Henry’s Commentary (best read in its unabridged editions) is always good in narrative sections of the Old Testament.

Older works by C. F. Keil and F. Delitzsch (The Pentateuch, vol. 1, Eerdmans) and by Delitzsch alone (New Commentary on Genesis, 2 volumes, 1899) are heavy and technical but worth consulting. Westerman’s volumes (Genesis 1–11Genesis 12–36Genesis 37–50) are often destructive; only those who wish to be well-informed need bother with them. Gispen’sCommentaar Op Het Oude Testament, Genesis (3 vol.; Kok, Kampen, Holland) is good for Hebraists who read Dutch! Among weighty commentaries J. Calvin’s Genesis (reprinted Banner of Truth, 1975) is one of the best. R. Candlish’s An Exposition of Genesis (various editions; mine is by Sovereign Grace, 1972) is old-fashioned but good. I no longer have Basil Atkinson’s Genesis (published by Walter). I gave my copy to Evangelical Library, UK.  I recall I liked his odd little volume and found it packed with good exposition as well as eccentricities.  Something similar could be said of A. W. Pink’s exposition of Genesis. E. A. Speiser’sGenesis is of little value for preachers. Cassuto’s volumes need not trouble us. I love Martin Luther’s eight volumes on Genesis; they do not keep to the text in a disciplined way but are always interesting and surprisingly helpful in obscure places. I have never made much use of Philips, Exploring Genesis, since alliteration is not my style, but I think some would find his layout helpful in preaching.

Among works on parts of Genesis, E. J. Young’s Genesis One (Presbyterian and Reformed) is good and is found in simplified version in In the Beginning (Banner of Truth). His work on Genesis 3 is spoiled, in my opinion, by his thinking that the story of ‘the snake’ is meant to be taken as a literal story about an animal. Blocher’s work on Genesis 1–3 is excellent. Works by Joyce Baldwin (The Message of Genesis 12–50, IVP, 1986), R. S. Wallace (Abraham, Nelson, 1981) and R. T. Kendall (God Meant It For Good, various editions; All’s Well That Ends Well, Paternoster, 1998) are valuable.